Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sometimes You Do Have to Ask Why

Today is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. I was reminded of this by I thank Jennifer and many other bloggers that will hold these women and men up to the Lord for the loss they have suffered. I truly can't imagine the hurt from that type of loss.

My husband and I struggled with infertility for many years. I was blessed to have an easy fix to my infertility and then the ability to conceive our now 19 month old miracle. I remember each and everyday of my pregnancy being absolutely fearful of what could happen. Every little tummy ache, cramp, etc. would start my mind just running.

I remember there being a couple of times of going to the hospital because of bleeding. I think the first time was around 3 or 4 months along and my Mom and Stepfather coming to the hospital to be with my husband and I. There was this chart on the wall that shows the state of your baby at each month in the womb. I remember my Stepfather pointing out that even at only 4 months along that my baby was already almost completely formed and looked like a normal baby. I of course knew she was already a baby upon conception, but that chart just put it really in perspective that there was really a baby in me. I hadn't felt movement at that point yet and hadn't even found out what I was having, but for some reason that chart just reminded me that no matter when in my pregnancy if I suffered a loss that it would be a baby, my baby.

I know that God will not give anyone more than they can handle, but sometimes I have to question why he would allow the loss of babies. What I have learned from reading of these stories of loss like is that God's grace in these times is beyond what our minds can comprehend.

I know my husband must wonder why I read such sad blogs and why I get so invested in them, but I get so much from those blogs. My faith has grown so much from the words that God has given Angie to put on her blog. Angie speaks to me and I am not "one of those" as MckMama would say. God turns our sorrow into joy and our mourning into gladness.

Then maidens will dance and be glad, young men and old as well. I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.Jeremiah 31:12-14

I don't know where I am really going with this post other than to remind others to lift those mommies and daddies up in prayer that have experienced a loss of a child. I pray those may find comfort, joy, and gladness in their time of sorrow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Top 10 Reasons I Love the Internet!

I was reminded yesterday by one of my favorite blogs that I read https://http// that the internet can be such an awesome thing in your life if it is used for good reasons.

Here are the top 10 reasons why I love the internet:

1. It makes my day go by faster at work. I usually read some blogs or post on some message boards during my breaks and lunch. I usually take those breaks at the same time during the day, so knowing in the back of my mind I have a break coming up seems to make my day go by faster so I can get home to my baby girl.

2. Bloggers like Kelly ( that use their blog to not only share adorable pictures of her beautiful daughter, but to also lift up others in prayer. I don't think there is a better use for the internet than sharing prayer requests and lifting others up.

3. The internet makes it easier to keep up with family members that I may not be able to see very often.

4. Twitter. I know that many people don't really get Twitter and I understand that, but Twitter is something I look forward to checking everyday. I now even have a Blackberry so I am able to get tweets throughout the day. :)

5. Keeping up with old friends, old classmates, etc. I've known Ohamanda for so very long and even though we were never really close growing up (I was a few years older) I am so thankful that I can follow her on her blog and keep up with what is going on in her life. Amanda - you are such an inspiration as a Mom and also a follower of Jesus.

6. Sharing pictures. Even though I am not really good about taking pictures, I am so thankful to have access to websites like Flickr and Photobucket to easily load photos and create slideshows to send to family and friends.

7. Youtube. Oh my. I could spend hours watching funny videos, music videos, or even replays from shows I missed the prior night on tv.

8. Shopping. I really don't like going to the mall at all. However, I do like shopping online. I don't know if it is the fact that I am larger than I want to be and don't care to try on items that may not fit in the store or if it is just because the stores seem so overwhelming and I can't seem to find things I really want, but shopping online is just so much easier.

9. Online banking/billpay. This has been a big timesaver for me. It is very easy to keep up with exactly how much money we have or don't have than ever before. I also appreciate the fact that I don't have to write checks anymore.

10. Meeting new friends. This goes back to what Ree at posted yesterday. Yes, the internet can be scary, but I have also met some extremely cool people and have been a part of some really cool activities in my life because of the internet and the people I met through the internet. Like they say, I love my computer because my friends live in it.

Visit or to learn more about Top Ten Tuesday.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Who would have thought?

I had always said I wouldn't have a blog just because I don't ever think I have anything useful to say. But there are a lot of blogs that I follow that block anonymous posters so here I am with my own blog.

I'd like to think that I will have a lot to say and would post quite often, but I highly doubt that will happen.